It’s been four wildly absurd years since the release of our little EP - Theories. When we first started making music together, life felt very strange and new having just moved back from France. Everything had slowed down in 2017 and we had lots of time and space to try new things and figure out what kind of sounds we wanted to make. We played lots of shows, met a lot of new people, and took a stab at recording our first set of finished songs.
Things changed a lot after that year. Time moved a lot faster and life got busier. We went through some growing pains in our friendship. We became very sleep deprived (and still are). Between the two of us, two new babies were born and a nursing degree was started and completed. Everything looked a lot different by 2021. Somehow in the midst of all of that, we found the will to keep making music. We scrounged around for what few hours we had left in our schedules between parenting and clinicals, and wrote a full-length record. The week we recorded the album in Muscle Shoals, AL was the ONLY week Jenn had available all year between her work schedule and clinical hours. The universe was telling us to throw in the towel, watch something on Netflix, and go to sleep. As appealing as that was on some nights, we pushed back just enough to be able to continue doing one of the things that brings us the most joy in life.
The ideas in this 9-song record are far from avant-garde, but we tried our best to grapple with the notion that enormous satisfaction and disenchantment don’t have to be mutually exclusive. It’s okay to feel content in your present circumstances and to simultaneously carry the burden of all the struggles that come with it. Writing these songs helped us have a little more peace with where we’re at in life and wherever the next years are taking us. We poured our freaking heart and souls into making this album and we hope some part of you is felt, understood, and seen when you listen to it.
Thanks for staying with us on this very inconsistent, but very well intentioned ride.
Jenn & Sam
Not in a Bad Way out August 18, 2022.